
The angel said... (2) - Luke 1:26-38

This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the evening service on 3rd December 2023.

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 “The Angel Said …” The GREAT GOSPEL

Intro: Ready for CityCarols? Delighting in Jesus and urgent with the gospel?


              1) Great news: The Lord is with you

“The angel went to her and said; ‘Greetings you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you’.”


  • The solution to every one of our problems would be to have God with us
  • Let this truth warm the hearts of the people who belong to God


               2) Great fear: The Lord is with me???

“Mary was greatly troubled.”


  • The right response: God is not on trial!
  • Hunger and humility was Mary’s attitude towards God: Is it ours?


                3) Great peace: You have found favour with the Lord

 “But the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favour with God.”

  • Mary did not earn favour with God, she found favour with God.
  • This says everything about God and nothing about Mary.


This must be our prayer for our City – that God would pour his grace and mercy upon us


               4) Great salvation: The great promised saviour is coming

The question still stands – how can God draw near to sinners without destroying them?

  • The baby that Mary will miraculously carry will keep all of God’s saving promises throughout scripture.
  • The baby that Mary will miraculously carry will be God himself.


Conclusion: Great Implications


- “greatly troubled at the angel’s words”?

- “No word from God will ever fail.”

- “I am the Lord’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled.”


Discussion questions

1) Why can Christians be confident that "The Lord is with us"? Why is this the solution to all of our problems?

2) Why was Mary troubled at the angel's words? In what way do we see our society "putting God on trial"? How can we grow in Mary's humbly, hungry approach to God?

3) What difference would it make to a Christian's life if they stopped trying to earn favour with the Lord and instead simply accepted that in the gospel they have found favour with the Lord? 

4) How will you plan this week to think more on the promises God has kept in Jesus? Who are you going to invite to CityCarols and the Christmas services so that they can come hear the great gospel of God becoming man to save us?

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