
The Path of Obedience - Psalm 119:1-24

This is a sermon by Peter Birnie from the evening service on 12th January 2025.

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Psalm 119 v 1-24 “The Path of Obedience”


Intro: A terrible plan and real treasure


            1) The sweetness of the path of obedience (v1-8)

“Blessed are those whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the LORD.”


Who does the Psalmist long to be?

  • V1 The person whose way is blameless



  • V2 The person who keeps God’s statutes.



  • V3 The person who does no wrong, who follows God’s ways rather than his own.


“Oh, that my ways were steadfast in obeying your decrees! Then I will not be put to shame when I consider all your commands.”


A personal and corporate ambition: Be the person the Psalmist longs to be!


             2) The secret of the path of obedience (v8-16)


“How can a young person stay on the path of purity?”


It is all about the word “YOUR”:


  • V9 YOUR word.
  • V10 YOUR commands.
  • V11 YOUR word.
  • V12 YOUR decrees.
  • V13 YOUR mouth.
  • V14 YOUR statutes.
  • V15 YOUR precepts and YOUR ways.
  • V16 YOUR decrees and YOUR word.


Why do you read the bible?

  • I SHOULD read the bible?
  • I NEED God’s word!


              3) The security of the path of obedience (v16-24)

Who are the cursed people?

  • Around us


  • Among us

How can we be blessed? Because of Jesus.

“Yet not my will but yours be done.”

He became a curse for us so that we could receive every spiritual blessing in him.


Questions to think through:

  • What do you find yourself longing for as you journey through life?
  • What does the Psalmist long for in verses 1-8?
  • Is your ambition to be the blessed person who can bless others? What will this look like in 2025?
  • What is the Psalmist’s answer to “How can a young person keep his way pure?”
  • How dependent are you upon God? What is your answer to the question “Why do you read the bible?”
  • Why is being cursed by God such a terrifying prospect? How did Jesus’ life and death win blessing rather than cursing for us?

Click here for text of sermon

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