Confident Investment - Philippians 3:1-11
This is a sermon by Richard Hawes from the evening service on 10th November 2024.
Click here to read the bible passage (opens in new window).
An audio-only recording is also available
Philippians 3:1-11 – Confident Investment
Introduction: Good to Be Reminded (v.1)
Who are you Investing with? (vv.2-6)
Mutilators of the Flesh (v.2)
True Circumcision (v.3)
Game Top Trumps (vv.4-6)
The Balance Sheet: Gains & Loss (vv.7-9)
The Dividend (vv.10-11)
QUESTIONS: How will Rejoicing in the Lord help you to better relate to your brothers and sisters in Christ? How might you be at risk of making ‘Bad’ investments? In what ways are you making ‘Good’ investments? What is your best Spiritual ‘Top Trump’ Card? What is the most expensive thing you’ve put in the bin? What aspect of your life do you struggle to ‘consider loss for the sake of Christ’? In what ways are you ‘participating in the sufferings of Christ’? How will you apply this passage forward in your life?
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